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La lingua "energica" degli attori, conference by Teresa Megale Friday 24th May at 6 p.m.

as part of the conversations devoted to WORD and in Italian, Teresa Megale will give a talk on: The 'energetic' language of actors, or rather the expressiveness that in theatre is not limited to sounds and words, but skilfully involves the body, gestures, mimicry and silences.

Teresa Megale, a lecturer in theatre history and a long-standing friend of our association, is an internationally renowned essayist on certain topics. She will be presented by our founding member Maurizio Naldini. In previous colloquia, distinguished speakers have addressed the theme of the word in war journalism, the word in art, the word of the young according to the Accademia della Crusca, the word of Anna Maria dei Medici for Florence, the spiritual word, up to the latest lecture on the word of numbers in demographics.

Participation is compulsory: free for members and with a contribution of 5 euros for non-members.


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