USA / Rome
2013 / 2016 / 2019

Kelly is an adoptive Italian, who made her home in Rome, after setting up her studio there. She is a 'free outside painter', whose lively personality and curiosity has allowed her to master the Italian language and culture, as well as gain an in-depth understanding of the artistic sensibility characterising the cities she loves – Florence, Rome and the whole of Italy!
Her arrival at Il Palmerino generally coincides with that of her long-time friends Kamille Corry and Jill Hooper. Nothing brings more joy than to see them meet under the loggia for a good glass of wine, after a productive day of painting, to exchange memories, anecdotes… and to have a few laughs.
They studied together for several years, and even today, as professionals, they continue to 'have each other's back', by sharing advice and finding collectors interested in each other's work. We have watched their friendship grow, and their presence brings to mind the memory of the man who mentored all three of them for many years, beloved author and collector Richard Fremantle.
Kelly's works form part of the FFAST collection at Villa Peyron, which Richard founded, and every time these three artists – which he called the 'Three Angels' – would meet at Il Palmerino, he would come to visit and organise a joint event. Although Richard passed away several years ago, his memory continues to inspire new initiatives that further strengthen these artists' relationship.
For two consecutive years, Il Palmerino hosted workshops led by Kelly, with mainly British students. We couldn't help but note the easy relationship she would inevitably establish with her students – gaining their respect and nurturing an affinity with them. It was a winning formula for all involved, as students left with the hope of returning to continue their training with Kelly in the future.