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2021 / Recital: Ganesh del Vescovo

Programme: ‘September in music’ at Il Palmerino

Classical guitar recital in the Gallinarium, small amphitheatre

Wednesday, 8 September 2021 at 6pm

Federico Moreno Torroba


Albada (from the six characteristic pieces)

Heitor Villa - Lobos

Three studies: Numbers 6, 8 and 7 (out of 12)

Johan Sebastian Bach

Prelude BWV 999

Gavotte I - II (from Suite No. 6 for cello)

Transcribed by G. Del Vescovo

Fernando Sor

Variations on Mozart’s Magic Flute op. 9

Domenico Scarlatti

Sonata K. 481

Sonata K. 380

Ganesh Del Vescovo

Three Reminiscences



‘Moderato con fantasia’

Italian guitarist and composer Ganesh del Vescovo is a true friend of Il Palmerino Cultural Association, and he has been coming back regularly to play for us, since 2009. He was one of the artists invited to perform at Bulgaria’s ‘Goat Milk Festival’ along with several other Il Palmerino artists, but his reputation and professional experiences are vast and wide-ranging.

Considered a guitar ‘virtuoso’ today, del Vescovo began studying guitar as a self-taught musician. A fortunate encounter with Alvaro Company (a pupil of Andrès Segovia) led him to attend courses at the ‘Luigi Cherubini’ Conservatory in Florence, where he graduated with flying colours, earning an honourable mention, ‘for his extraordinary ability to characterise the mood of the works he performs’.

He has tackled a vast guitar repertoire, exploring various periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern and Contemporary. He has also developed his own technique for transcribing scores written for other instruments. Indeed, his repertoire includes many of his own arrangements of composers such as Bach, Frescobaldi, Scarlatti, Mozart, Schubert, Debussy and Verdi.

Del Vescovo’s work as a composer started at the onset of his career, as soon as soon as his studies began. He is interested in experimenting with new techniques on the guitar and strives to develop his own personal style, stimulated by his encounters with Indian classical music. Rather than referring to the more formal aspects of this tradition, he is freely inspired by the aesthetic experience, namely, the spirit and the expressive power of this evocative musical universe.

His work as a concert artist has led him to perform in important concert societies in Italy and Europe (France, Spain, Greece, Austria and Switzerland). In 2012, he gave concerts to represent Italy at the International Book Fair in Kolkata, India. During that same tour, he was invited to perform in Delhi.

Del Vescovo has recorded numerous CDs, performing his musical arrangements and original scores. Recently, the Symphonic Publishing House published three volumes of his compositions for solo guitar, which complement his previously published works.

In 2011, Del Vescovo won first prize for his solo guitar composition ‘Schegge di luce’ (Shards of light) at the International Festival of ‘Claxica 2011’ in Castel d’Aiano, Bologna. In October 2016, he won first prize for an original music score at the 11th ‘Michele Pittaluga’ International Composition Competition for Classical Guitar in Alessandria with a piece for two guitars entitled, ‘Improvviso e Ritmico’ (Improvised and Rhythmic).

Ganesh Del Vescovo’s studies and compositions are included in the study programmes of various conservatories, academies and music schools in Italy and several other countries worldwide. He regularly gives concerts and master classes both in Italy and abroad.


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