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OSSESSIONI Vernon Lee- book presentation- 13 Febraury 6,00 p.m


This first event it's conceived to remember in the best way the day of Vernon Lee's death, February 13. 

Just last year was translated into Italian a corpus of her fantstic tales and we are happy to present it in her former residence in accord with Alcatraz its publishing house from Milano.

The book it's a new collection of the fantastic short stories titled Obsessions, will be presented by Max Baroni, the editor of  Alcatraz together with Roberto Barzanti, the literary critic who gave it a nice review upon its release and the young Veronica Scerra who, continuing her successful acting studies, will lend herself to read some significant excerpts from it.

The conversation will be in Italian.

This will be an opportunity to meet again and start the new year of activity!

Remember RVPS mandatory for limited places!


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