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In a Florence filled with female sculptors, painters, illustrators and writers, Leonetta Pieraccini Cecchi and Fillide Levasti formed part of a fascinating network of creative friendships.

ARTISTE. Women Artists, Florence: 1900-1950

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  • Two early twentieth-century women painters and their moving personal letters, hosted at the Marucelliana Library and the Vieusseux’s Contemporary Archive, have inspired a citywide project for art, restoration and research whose keynote exhibition 'Women Artists: Florence 1900-1950' is a sign of their times.  Painters and sculptors Fillide Levasti, Leonetta P. Cecchi, Evelyn Scarampi, Vittoria Morelli, Flavia Arlotta, Elisabeth Chaplin, Marisa Mori, Adriana Pincherle and Elena Salvaneschi formed a formidable legacy that spans literature and the visual arts, crossing boundaries from painting to page.

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