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Art and Memory

Adriana Pincherle and Eloisa Pacini

May 12 – June 10, 2016

Colonica di Villa Il Palmerino

​This exhibition explored the idea of coupling a renowned woman artist with one awaiting discovery, providing the chance to pair up two artistic languages that are different to the point of being almost divergent. Such are Eloisa Pacini’s placid tonal chords and soft, late pastels when compared to Adriana Pincherle’s vigorous coloristic component, bolstered by her openness toward European trends. Although they had different personalities and frequented different social circles, Eloisa Pacini and Adriana Pincherle shared a love for Florence and made it their home.


Although their artistic languages were diverse, both, above all things, had canvases and paintbrushes in common. Because Pacini closely related her artistic vocation to the events occurring in her life, the painter’s creative journey was often disrupted. Pincherle, on the other hand, made painting her career, placing it at the center of her existence. The show offered the opportunity to focus upon a variety of approaches and life choices linked to self-realisation and professional visibility—those nodal themes, found in every story on women in art.


Exhibition curators:

Lucia Mannini e Chiara Toti


Project Partners and Sponsors:

Advancing Women Artists, Il Palmerino Cultural Association, Consulate of the United State of America in Florence, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Giovanni Michelucci Foundation, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux, Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, The Florentine and The Florentine Press.


Learn more about the exhibtion catalog

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